Accelerated TMS
The TMS Experience At NeoPsych
Although accelerated TMS is designed to be efficient and convenient for people with a busy lifestyle, the days can be long. The shortest course of accelerated TMS requires five, 8-10 hour consecutive days. At NeoPsych we hope to make that time as comfortable as possible by encouraging books, music, movies, television, and good food. Free wi-fi is also available for work and emails. Scroll down for a list of food and streaming options. Click the name of the restaurant for the menu.
If you want more information about accelerated TMS at NeoPsych, you can view the “accelerated TMS” section of this website or call 213-433-2823. A representative of NeoPsych would be happy to answer any questions about scheduling, pricing, and expectations for treatment.


In and Out
Shake Shack

Your Music
Via Bluetooth